Périgord Limousin Tourist Information is a category II rated centre in the Offices de Tourisme de France® network and promises to provide:

  • A reception area and an easily accessible information space
  • Assistance with your enquiries
  • Easier access to rated accommodation by directing visitors to accredited organisation(s)
  • Seating
  • Free information about local tourism services
  • Free Wi-Fi (see Decree dated November 12th 2010 setting out the criteria for tourist information gradings, Annex 1-2, criterion
  • Displays and information about its opening times in at least two foreign languages
  • Opening times at least 240 days per year, including Saturday and Sunday in peak season or during events
  • Email responses throughout the year
  • A reception service run by staff who can speak at least two foreign languages
  • Tourist maps, plans and guidebooks
  • Access to its trilingual website
  • Paper-based tourist information translated into at least two foreign languages relating to:
  • all approved tourist accommodation with at least the name of the establishment, address, email address and website, telephone number and star rating;
  • monuments and cultural, natural or leisure tourist sites with the prices, opening times, website, telephone number and address
  • events and entertainment;
  • emergency telephone numbers.
  • Annual updates to its tourist information
  • Emergency phone numbers outside the premises
  • A complaints and customer service
  • Services in line with quality procedures
  • A tourist advisor to help you
  • Reliable and accurate information about local tourist services

Périgord Limousin Tourist Information
Decree dated November 12th 2010 setting out the criteria for tourist information gradings